Thursday, February 26, 2009

IPT 301: Social Constructivism Lesson Plan

IP&T 301 Modified Lesson Plan:  Social Constructivism
What Shape Am I?
AUTHOR:   Utah Lesson Plans
GRADE LEVEL/SUBJECT:   1st grade; Math

Objective: Students will identify, describe, and create simple geometric figures.


This lesson is an example of Cognitive Apprenticeship. In this lesson, I will teach my students what shapes look like, what they are called, and how to compare and contrast the different shapes. For my lesson, the students are learning from a more knowledgeable other, the teacher (me). I know the four shapes I will be teaching to my students and will therefore serve as an expert and resource to help students with any questions they have or problems they encounter. The cultural tools used in this lesson are the shapes themselves (symbols) and the academic language relating to the shape names that I (the teacher) will be using to help my students learn the socially accepted terms given to those symbols. I will teach within my students’ zone of proximal development. This means that the lesson activities the students will participate in to learn the required information will be at a student instructional level. In this lesson, students will be able to complete most requirements on their own but will have appropriate levels of support as needed. Scaffolding is an integral part of this lesson plan. I will use scaffolding as I help the students with hints, provide examples of shapes, and encourage them to think about shapes and what are some shape similarities and differences. I will be demonstrating different tasks the students must complete and I will monitor the classroom as students work to ensure that all students who need help have ready access to it. I will expect my students to be “shape spies” on their own. If they need clarification on directions, have a question, or are confused, I (the more knowledgeable other) will be there to help. I will encourage my students to use their critical thinking skills when being “shape spies.” If a pair of students is really struggling at any point in the lesson I would work with them (dialectical relationship) to guide them to hopefully result in the right ending point. I will foster a safe classroom environment where all students are encouraged to think for themselves, but understand that I (the teacher; more knowledgeable other) have concrete knowledge about the shapes and the concepts surrounding shapes. Throughout my lesson, my students will be able to ask questions and receive any help they need. In my classroom, students will be expected to first problem-solve in their partnerships and if they still have a question, I can then assist them.

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