Thursday, February 19, 2009

Google Earth Tour

Here are my plans for a Google Earth Tour of the Underground Railroad.

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Wilmington, Delaware
Write a 2 stanza Poem about Harriet Tubman.
Wikipedia Link, Image of Harriet Tubman
2. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Make a paper lantern to hang on the hitching post signifying the house is safe. Follow the instructions explained at
Wikipedia Link, Link to Lantern Instructions
3. Rochester, New York
After reading about Susan B. Anthony, create a motto that exemplifies her life ambitions for the Susan B. Anthony dollar.
Wikipedia, Image of Susan B. Anthony
4. Canada
Approximately how many slaves escaped to Canada? You are a journalist in Canada. Create at least 5 questions to ask during your interview with a recently escaped slave.
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:The image overlay will be a path connecting the various stops of the Underground Railroad.

TPACK Questions:

The content I am using for this lesson comes from the Utah State Core Curriculum for 5th Grade Standard 4, Objective 2, Indicator c. This indicator states: "Identify the range of individual responses to the growing political conflicts between the North and South (e.g. states rights advocates, abolitionists, slaveholders, enslaved people)." For this lesson, students will focus on the Underground Railroad. During their explorations of this key system, students will learn about the different types of people who helped along the Underground Railroad, including escaped slaves, abolitionists, and born-free blacks. The pedagogy for this lesson will include various activities that will challenge students to gain a deep understanding of this system. These activities will be designed to help students place themselves in the shoes of a slave making his or her way to freedom as they examine those who risked their lives helping others. The technology used in this lesson will be Google Earth. Through Google Earth, students will be able to see the location of the events and have access to the different activities corresponding to that event. Google Earth will also allow the students to read about the specific details of the event.

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